Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Busy Times!

So the last few weeks have been very busy here at the Roach house. I have gone back to work now that school is open for the Fall. It has been a nice balance of being around normal people for a good part of the day and then having my late afternoons/evenings devoted to all things baby. My mom has been coming over part time to keep the kids on days that Blair is out of town. The kids have really loved having her over so much. She is doing great with them. I took Isabelle to a back to school meeting with me one night and so of course grandma had to make sure she was all decked out in spirit wear! Here is Belle in her "Future Bulldog" shirt.

Riley has also been busy. He is now shaving. (not for real of course), but any time he sees us ding something he must do the same. So now he shaves with Daddy. By the time he got downstairs to show me how he was like Daddy, he had wiped most of it off, but here's a look at our shaving 2 yr. old.

I am also so proud of all that Riley is learning. Any time I take a map out, he can show me where Texas is. He can't say Texas yet, but he says "t" "t". He can point to Missouri when we ask where Daddy works (Kansas City is his base now). Riley can point to Canada when I ask where Grandma Viv and Pepere are and he will point to California when asked where Grandma was born. Here is a pic of him pointing to Texas on his fabric map that we lay on the floor to practice with. I say for a kid that just turned 2 a couple of months ago, his geography skills are pretty developed!

This one is his table map:

Riley also loves spinning the globe in the kitchen and calling it a ball. We are working on teaching him where North America and South america are on the globe. It may take a little more time.

We have increased his amount of speech sessions from once every 2 weeks to getting a session every week. We are hoping this will help him on his way to being a communicator. He still isn't putting 2 words together at the same time.

Our whole family went ice skating for the first time for my nephew's 12 birthday party. Blair & I haven't been ice skating in 7-8 years. I could not believe how much Riley loved it! Blair had to hold him up or carry him the whole time, so his back was killing him when we left, but every time we took Riley off the ice, he pointed to it and said "iceee". We got a cute pic. of him pointing. Luckily, Riley was just big enough to get the smallest ice skate they carried, a size 7 toddler. Future hocky player? Uncle Jeremy held Isabelle until she started crying. LOL

Isabelle is 3 1/2 months old now and is quickly catching up with her big brother. He often finds it difficult to "hold" her because she takes up his entire lap. But, he asks frequently if he can hold her, so while he still wants to, I'm taking full advantage! Here are our 2 muchkins doing what they do best, being adorable!