Shabby Miss Jenn

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Year long update

It happened to me. For 2 years of having my 1st born, I swore I wouldn't turn into a mom who lost all accounts of recorded history with the 2nd child. So here I am. A liar. My last blog was done over a year ago when I still sat at a computer to type up blogs instead of laying in bed, typing on my iPhone, which is how I do it now! My how times change! So, since I've just finished a 10 hour work day, took both kids to open house by myself at Riley's school, made dinner, got both in new diapers and pjs and tucked in bed, I'll take as little time as possible to sum up the past year. We Roaches have obviously been too busy living life to write about it. Here's a quickie: Blair is still flying pasengers w Frontier Airlines. His planes carry 85-95 people. He has been doing projects around to house to constantly make it more of our own. In the 6 years we've lived in our home, he has managed to keep adding to his list of what he can tinker with & it keeps getting better. B has always been the kind of guy you love to hate; athletic, sexy, superman metabolism, etc. It comes so easy to him, but he does work hard too. He stays in shape by working out at hotels and has played a huge role in motivating me to get healthy. About a year ago, I turned 30. Constantly told people I "just had a baby", I was type II diabetic, weighed 215lbs, and was ready to do something about it. I made up my mind that I had to get active. I had to workout 7 days a week, stop making excuses, stop being too busy, stop. So I did. I finally made a choice everyday that my health and myself were worth it. After a year of working out literally almost every day, I've lost over 50lbs in the past year. I've gone from a size 18 to an 8. I have lost a total of over 80lbs since I had Isabelle and weighed 240lbs. It has been such a long, difficult, exhausting journey, but I am so changed because of the chance I've given myself. I am not Type II diabetic anymore. I could run for no more than 2min last year. Now, I'm training for my 1st 1/2 marathon and have run 6miles (66 1/2 min) without stopping. I feel amazing! Riley is a little sponge and is learning so much in preschool. He is talking so much better! He loves school. He loves jumping, running, reading books, and watching tv. He is all boy! He is learning his ABCs and counting really well! He still calls Isabelle "baby". Isabelle is a little princess and is all girl! She is almost 2! I can't believe it! She loves getting her nails painted, hair put in ponytails, and wearing shoes! She enjoys playing outside, coloring, and reading books. We are staying busy and growing together and learning everyday how to be a better family together! So, if you don't hear from us for another year, you will know that it's because I'm the busy mom I swore I wouldn't be & I'm too busy reading to my kids to blog!