Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Catching up!

Ok, so it has been over a month since any updates. Life in the Roach house is crazy as usual. Isabelle just turned 7 months old, so here are a few updates on her:

She has 2 teeth now (she wanted her 2 front teeth for Christmas, and she got them! They are both on the bottom). After about a month of waking up in the middle of the night and being uncomfortable, they both are finally all the way up over the gums. The drooling is insane and she puts everything in her mouth. Everything. Her fingers, her toes, dog bones, toys, the side of her bouncy chair. Everything!

She is an official sitter upper! She can sit for a very long time in one spot. When she finally gets tired of it, she rolls onto her belly on purpose. No more wobbly sitting.
She can roll both ways.

Unless she is teething, she sleeps through the night and usually takes a 2-3 hour nap during the day. If we are REALLY lucky, we can sometimes time it so both kids sleep at the same time.

She is talking to herself now. She loves that she make sounds and is convinced that she is having a very meaningful conversation with us. It's adorable!

She is getting in the crawling position but only rocking, not actually crawling. She will roll from one side of the room to the toher to get what she wants, but not quite a crawler yet. It won't be long though.

She loves baby cereal and has been eating that and jar food for 3 months now. She is a great eater!

She can hold her bottle! The day couldn't come soon enough that she could help me out with this. It is such a blessing to have her want to hold it herself! I never seem to have enough hands.

Isabelle is so tall that she is wearing 12-18mo. clothes at 7mo old bc anything smaller is too short!

Riley updates:
We got him assessed for fine motor skills that he seemed to having a little trouble with and it turned out that he qualified for help with an occupational therapist. She will be coming once a week to help him with dressing and undressing, writting, using eating utinsils, and some other coordination and fine motor skills and to give us ideas of activities we can do with him. He has "class" with her on Monday mornings and his speech therapist, Susan, on Thursday mornings.

He is starting to put 2 words together regularly. We can ask him to say 2 comfortable words like "more Mama" and he will repeat. He has only been doing this for about a month and really should have started doing it 6 months ago or sooner. But, it is progress, so we just keep working with it. He is just now able to say "Mommy" and "Daddy" rather than the less mature "Mama" and "Dada" that we were used to and I LOVE it! He thinks he needs to say it in a really high pitched voice though, which is so cute!

He loves playing musical instruments! He got a set for Christmas and has even asked to take the drum sticks to bed with him for his nap and at night. When he got up in the morning, he was still holding onto them! We may have a rocker on our hands!

Riley is still very affectionate. He asks for hugs all the time and loves to sit on our laps. (Especially when we are holding Isabelle)

He has started to play with Isabelle. Now that she is down on the floor at lot more often and is getting around, he is starting to show her how the toys work (when he's not taking them away from her). We are still working on sharing!

He is getting to be a much better eater. He loves finger foods like cheese sticks, chicken nuggets, and fish sticks, but he is also starting to eat salad and meat, which was a hard sell for us for the longest time. We had to just keep trying. He will almost always eat whatever we have for our meals now which is a thousand times easier than the 30 things we would offer him before just to get him to eat an ounce of food.

Ok, so we need to catch up on some pictures over the past month or so.

Santa came to Mommy's school! Isabelle didn't even cry! She was too worried about trying to grab her feet with new shoes on! LOL

FYI: Riley hasn't used a paci since he was 3 months old. But, since Isabelle needs one, so does he!
They love playing in her crib together!

We had to celebrate Christmas 2 days early b/c Blair has to work Christmas Eve, Day and the day after. So, we already have Christmas pics! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!

Christmas Morning!
We have started a tradition with Riley that we take a "before" picture in bed with a Santa hat before going downstairs to see all the presents! Even cuter when there are 2 of them!

Stocking time!

I love my little stinky face!
Everyone was in the Christmas spirit, even Rudy.

Riley loved his Dora electric toothbrush and xylophone.

My little M & M!

Belly Boo fell asleep about half way through presents! Notice she can hold her bottle even while she is asleep! haha

Riley needed to read the directions to his new musical instrument set! LOL

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Crazy, Busy, Wild Times!

One of my best freinds, Tracy, married Dave on October 17th. It was such a beautiful and fun wedding. I got to spend time in San Antonio at the wedding with one of my other best friends, Dawn and her husband, Ryan and her parents. But, the best part is that Blair got to come too when usually he has to miss weekend events because of work. BLair's parents flew down to Dallas from Toronto to babysit so we could go for the weekend. We had a blast. Here are pics (in reverse order b/c I am too tired to fix it and this blogger site always makes them go backwards, which I hate.) So: reception first (obviously) and ceremony last...uggh.
Dave & Tracy Sappington's Wedding!

One of our many projects around the house lately was installing our new tv in the family room. We had to switch cable companies, get the other rooms installed and set up and then do all the set up for this monster after having it sit on the floor for almost a week. Blair is already enjoying football much more on the 52 inches of greatness as he likes to call it! LOL

Our neighborhood fall carnival had a train ride that Riley thought was very cool!

Daddy's little pumpkin!

Baby Blues!

Riley LOVES wearing everyone else's shoes!

Can't believe she's 5 months alreay! Both babies are still in diapers!

This is Riley favorite new toy: a tube we got to pull from the boat. Riley can't wait to get it in the water, so he tested it out in the living room!

Riley's best friend, Avery!

Big girl Isabelle in the rocking chair!

Blair's parents came to visit for 2 weeks and you would think I would have had time to update my blog then, but I didn't. I finally loaded pics. onto Facebook.

Here are Halloween pics. of my younger sister Marie and her kids at our house along with Riley making his first Jack O Lantern and not wanting to touch any of the seeds. Isabelle in her cow outfit and Riley as Scooby Doo. We had a fun time.

Last week we got a new 20 X 11 ft. extention added on to our driveway that goes into our backyard so that we can park the boat on it instead of in the mud. Here's the cement truck delivering the new driveway!

Last weekend I got to have a girls' night when I spent the night with 2 of my high school friends, Misti, and Tabitha. Misti's girls had a drill team competition the next day so we all got up early to go watch them. Madison and Payton did great!

Blair and I recently got to go on a date on our boat out at lake Lavon. My mom came over to babysit so we could go with no kids. We had a great time and the weather was amazing! Here are a couple of pics. PS-we didn't actually catch any fish, but this one did get caught on our catfish trap, so we got to bring 1 little guy home!