Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cart Crazy

As we all know, grocery shopping has not been the easiest thing to do with these two munchkins. But, I'm happy to say that Costco does make it easier. With 2 kid seats in the front, I don't have to worry about things being half eaten by the time we get to check out. It was so much less stressful shopping there. Although they don't have all the regular stuff we usually get, it may be worth it to cut out the other grocery stores all together and we may just have to start having 4 lb. cartons of grapes for would be worth it! LOL. Here is a pic. of Isabelle's first time at Costco. Riley is an old pro! He LOVES the free handouts! He's munching on a snack!

Here is the other option...Riley having access to everything in back (including the straps to Isabelle's carseat that he likes to pull until she screams! Really, it's great fun! Which one would you do?

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