Shabby Miss Jenn

Monday, July 27, 2009

Riley's speech assessment

Riley's speech assessment was this morning. They tested several areas. Here were some of the feedback results (He is 25 months old):

social/emotional: 20 months developmentally (mainly b/c he scored low in the area of comforting another child/baby if they are crying. He mostly moves away or calls for me, but does not try to pat Isabelle or other friends when they are upset).

communication: 20 months (not saying 2 words together, only saying parts of words, not saying names).

physical: 21 months not coloring/drawing consistently with hand up or down with a crayon or pen. Switches thumb position from up to down while working.

He will be working on each of these areas in his speech therapy sessions twice a month, or every other week in most cases. At 6 mo. in to the program, we will review his goals and see what his progress is like. His first session will be Aug. 13th. He will get one the next week as well since she will be out of town the following week. Sessions will be 45 min. long. She will bring handouts w/ ideas activities etc. the first time. I will be home for the first session, but she said they will usually be in the morning so the rest of the year, probably it will be while my mom or Blair are home with him.

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