Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, July 18, 2009

You got a problem, yo I'll solve it!

Riley has been into everything again this week. I poured him a small bowl of goldfish to keep in the kitchen, thinking this would be a better (meaning cleaner)alternative than putting them on the coffee table like he has preferred to do in the past. Well, it took about 2 seconds for him to dump the whole bowl all over the floor. His reward was getting to pick every one of them up (except for the few that never made it back to the table b/c he ate them instead)He decided it was faster than putting them on the table first! LOL.

Riley has also been quite the problem solver lately. He usually is patient when saying "mote" (remote) to get me to turn on his cartoons. But, if I am busy, we are eating a meal, or it is time to pick up toys, the answer is NO. So, he has decided to take things into his own hands. He has been finding toys in the living room that are big enough for him to stand on top of so he can try to reach the remote that is strtegically placed on top of the bar- the only place high enough that he can't reach. In the past week, he has stood on top of his drum, a basket, and his wagon trying to reach the remote. Sadly enough for him, none were quite tall enough. I almost died laughing yesterday when he said "mote", I said "No" then he went over and got his board book and tried to stand on it. I had to take a picture! This was one time that those problem solving skills didn't exactly rank at the top of the charts! LOL You can see that it is about 1/2 inch thick.

1 comment:

  1. haha the book cracked me up. :) Soon there will be nowhere left to hide things!
