Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Having a BLAST on the 4th of July!

Blair got to be home for the 4th of July and we had a fun family day. The boys started out playing on our new boat even though Blair said he was "cleaning" it. It is so much nicer than our other one and is a big upgrade in terms of comfort and space. Riley loves it already and hasn't even been on the water yet!

Blair and Riley did steaks on the BBQ later and we had an early dinner so that we could take the kids to the pool before firewroks.

We played inside for a little while because it got up to about 103 degrees outside! Ouch!

We took the kids to the pool around 9pm once it had cooled down so Isabelle could be outside. It was great because we were the only ones at the pool and I got to "layout" with Isabelle while the boys played in the water! No sunscreen was required! You can see that Riley was very festive in his stars and stripes.

After late night swimming, we headed home to clean up and get ready for fireworks. We all went upstairs to our bedroom window where we had a perfect view of the show at Firewheel. Riley didn't see them last year, so this was his first exposure to fireworks. I must say, he was not as impressed as I thought he would be. He was exhausted by 10:00 so we put him to bed shortly before the finale. It was great not having to get out in the heat, traffic, and big crowds but still see the show and put the kids to bed as soon as they were ready. I think we may just do the same thing again next year!

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