Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Potty Time

With the stress and craziness of having a newborn and Riley just turning 2, I decided that I wouldn't owrry about potty training anytime soon. Probably, I'd wait until I'm out of school in the spring because I'd be home with him all day long and we could really focus on it for a good month before he turned 3. But, lately, Riley's other 2 year old friends (all girls) have been over and he has seen them going potty and has been asking me a lot lately if he can sit on the potty. So, I finally decided, we would spend a good part of the day drinking a lot of milk and sitting on the potty in front of the tv to pass the time and keep him from wanting to get up and run around. It worked! Riley went potty for the first time this week and ended up going many times in 1 day.

Here are a few pics of the first time going potty. He wears this cowboy hat all the time. He had been sucking his thumb and got his shirt wet so he asked me to take it off. Shortly after, we decided to use the potty again so we had to take off the diaper and the shorts. We ended up with nothing on but a cowboy hat! Love it! He was so proud of putting pee pee in the potty! He was equally excited about getting an M & M!

Helping to fold laundry while sitting in front of the t.v. waiting for it to happen.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the potty training. :) The cowboy pic is cute.
